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用青春照顾长存的灵魂 用良心承载永恒的责任---齐鲁名仕三期

时间:2015-01-27 11:09 来源:中华发展报道网作者:中华发展报道网
中国传媒联盟 据 中华发展报道网 讯:编者按:山东福寿园坐落于我国孝文化发源地之一的济南市长清区孝里镇,园区青山环抱,绿水掩映,气势恢宏。
      中国传媒联盟 据 中华发展报道网 讯:编者按:山东福寿园坐落于我国孝文化发源地之一的济南市长清区孝里镇,园区青山环抱,绿水掩映,气势恢宏。是由山东商业集团和福寿园集团斥资近亿元共同建造的全国首家人文纪念公园,如今的福寿园从共和国将军到见义勇为的英雄,从文艺名人到书法大家,近百位社会名人的入驻,使山东福寿园多了一份历史的厚重,也多了一份人文的关怀。山东省暨济南市遗体捐献纪念广场和中国人民解放军山东老战士纪念广场的落成,使山东福寿园成为生命教育基地和爱国主义教育基地。本期专访:山东福寿园人文纪念公园创始人之一、山东福寿园发展有限公司党委书记——张翔。
Editor's note: Shandong Fushou garden, one of the park is located in the birthplace of Chinese filial piety culture of Wufeng mountain-Zhangxia area Xiaoli Town, park green hill, green water, is spectacular.It built by the Shandong commercial group and live garden group spent nearly one hundred million yuan to build the country's first human culture memorial park, the longevity of now garden from the general of the republic of the hero, hero from literary celebrities to calligraphy, which nearly social celebrities, Shandong Fushou garden much a historical massiness, too much a humanistic care. And Jinan in Shandong province Shandong body donation memorial square, and the Chinese people's liberation army veterans memorial square, make live in Shandong garden life education base and patriotism education base. This interview: Shandong Fushou garden one of the founders of the human culture memorial park, Shandong province party secretary, Zhangxiang live park development co., LTD.
用青春照顾长存的灵魂  用良心承载永恒的责任
With the soul of youth care forever with conscience bearing the responsibility of the eternal


      Zhangxiang, originally from Shandong Zhangqiu. Born in 1975, master of business administration, secretary of the CPC committee of Shandong Fushou park development co., LTD., deputy general manager of Shandong Fushou garden one of the founders of the human culture memorial park, after more than ten years of hard construction, now live and the human culture memorial park in Shandong, has become the domestic industry leader.
       Into the Fushou garden, is presented in front of a beautiful scene ill-defined. Antique buildings, open flat green lawn, and those who are full of artistic breath sculpture, stone carving neat and clean stone road .Everywhere filled with flowers, like xanadu, and like a fairy tale.


First secretary Zhang, clean hair, leisure, appropriate clothing, warm smile of 4 excessive, elegant and gentle words, let the person beside him feel more comfortable, this is a picture, full of the flavor of scholar, was facing the loess back grindstone, cultivates team, will be a piece of barren hills and converted into domestic leading the human culture memorial park.
      We've learned during the conversation, Shandong Fushou park development co., LTD., founded in 2002, when only 27 years old , because outstanding performance group entrusts with an important task, is responsible for the construction of the humanities museum. Zhang also said the initial contact of the project, completely do not understand, even learning architecture, but also full of confused and uneasy to the industry.
   在当时我国的殡葬行业还是非常传统的,我们国人对殡葬业十分的看重,不仅传统观念严重,还非常的封建保守,要做出新意,是需要顶着非常大的压力和质疑的。为了能够将这个项目做好,在过去12年间,张翔分赴俄罗斯、美国、日本、澳大利亚、加拿大、欧洲等殡葬文化先进的国家和地区进行实地考察,开始了出国求知的漫长之旅,认真学习他们的成功经验,回国后结合中国传统文化,带领着他的团队将新的殡葬文化融入到这片土地,亲自规划设计出了映射济南八景、72名泉的“泉水人家”;参照国外的玫瑰园营造了鲜花盛开的“四季花园”,使冰冷的墓碑安放在鲜花丛中,成为美轮美奂的艺术品;为了让老战士落叶归根,百年之后与战友团聚,建造了 “老战士纪念园”;专门为革命军人开辟了“红星园”;专为中国基督教徒建造了安息之地“锡安园”;为老干部量身定做了弘扬革命传统的“德崇园”等近20个主题园区。
       At the time of our country's funeral industry is still very traditional, Chinese people value of funeral industry is very serious, not only the traditional concept of feudal conservative, also very want to make new, is need the very big pressure and challenge. In order to be able to this project will do a good job, in the past 12 years, Zhangxiang went out areas of Russia, the United States, Japan, Australia, Canada, Europe and other funeral culture of advanced countries and regions for field trips, began the long journey of learning abroad, learn their successful experience, after returning in combination with traditional Chinese culture, led his team to the new funeral culture into the land, to the planning and design of mapping Jinan eight sights, 72 name spring "spring"; With reference to foreign rose garden built the "four seasons garden" of flowers in full bloom, make cold tombstone placed flowers, a beautiful work of art; In order to let the old soldier falling leaves, one hundred years later reunited with his comrades, to build the "veterans memorial"; Specifically for revolutionary soldier opened up a "red star garden"; Designed for Chinese Christians built a resting place "tin AnYuan"; For retired veteran cadres tailored to carry forward the revolutionary tradition of " Dechong garden" and so on nearly 20 theme park.



       The theme park designed by Zhangxiang, as well as a symbol of the various meanings of art tombstone, is creative in his little by little into this special service in the industry brings comfort for the dead and the dead relatives. Every inch of the zoo, brick, stone and condenses into sweat are he lead the group, he participated in the construction of each of these links.12 years of wind and rain, 12 years of effort, he created now appear in front of us all this delicate. He is a true pioneer, which not only opens up this piece of barren hills, more developed in new funeral culture in the land of Qilu.
        Pursuit of development at the same time, pay more attention to the enterprise can create social benefits, it is taking such a belief, contribute to social live the human culture memorial garden cemetery under his initiative, also have been use practical action to reveal a conscience, corporate social responsibility.
      To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the founding, by Shandong Fushou the human culture memorial park garden, together with the communist party of China Shandong province bureau of retired veteran cadres concrete planning and construction of the Chinese people's liberation army (PLA) Shandong veterans memorial square, this is the first in Shandong province before the founding of the enlisted for distribution around in Shandong established veterans memorial plaza. Square in the center of the memorial wall carved with the soldiers into battle, have conquered the heroic image, and veterans of the moment. And Fushou garden has also won the national defense education base in Shandong province and Jinan patriotism education base and so on the title of honor. And on July 1, August 1, this special day, held to commemorate the blood donation for national liberation and the country rich and strong  and the old revolutionary, doyen of life.
       In addition, Zhangxiang also personally  plan to construct a monument, it is with diagonally across the street from the veterans memorial square body organ donation monument, it records the donor's name engraved a hundreds of love. And here is also and Jinan in Shandong province Red Cross youth education base, inscribed with the name of the grand monument to commemorate the donor and dedication, also tell the next generation of what is life and hope; Flower bed was buried in rhythmic and public welfare, the funeral is to put the ashes placed in biodegradable cinerary urn, buried deep under the bed, over a period of time after degradation by oneself, eventually combine with nature, is a truly realize "derived from nature and to the natural" way of burial. And Shandong live garden also for urban and rural subsistence allowances nor any staff such as family members, entitled groups, urban low-income families funeral for burial of favorable to the people, let the dead of the low-income group can also return to nature in such a peaceful and pleasant scenery.


       Under the strict management of the Zhangxiang, each region has garden is responsible for the cleaning staff in the busy, no matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, no matter the wind rain, can't see at all the tombstone a grain of dust, on the way of all can't see a piece of falling leaves .He says this is one of the largest respect for the dead, is also the conscience of the pay for this job. Shandong Fushou in his garden also specifically for the deceased relatives opened under the arrangement of the martyrs's car, 365 days all the year round service for the dead relatives, let relatives can come anytime martyrs's relatives.
        A customer will rest here his mother said: "the choice in addition to the environment here is good, give family members a beautiful resting place, there is someone here every day for families to relatives of our wipes tombstone, this is the greatest comfort to their families."
      Since 2002, Shandong live park development co., LTD. Since its establishment, from the first annual only 27 years old boy to now to the success of the middle-aged, elegant calm leader, Zhangxiang led  his team to a deserted place construction become a domestic leading cultural museum. The young of past, paid the full of blood and good youth, they will devote himself to the mountain, dedicated to the forever in the soul, is dedicated to the funeral industry of his motherland.

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